Individually-tailored to your needs

Extensive Services

As a highly specialised and experienced travel industry marketing , public relations and representation company our aim is to provide for our overseas clients all those services – including regular liaison with the retail, tour operator and MICE sectors – that they would expect from their own UK, or European, Sales Office (if they had one) . . . but at a fraction of the cost. However, not every company requires total market coverage. For those clients Supereps International is happy to tailor its activities to target just the market sectors most relevant to each client’s product.

Our charges vary, depending on the type and scope of service we are asked to provide. No assignment is too small for us to consider. In addition to contractual assignments we will often undertake short term or per project work. A description of our services follows.

London – the world’s largest, most influential, financial centre

We provide each represented client with an individually-tailored marketing programme beginning with a rigorous assessment of their requirements.
These programmes usually incorporate a mix of the following basic services:

* Sales calls

A regular programme of pre-qualified one-on-one sales calls on tour operators, niche tour operators, specialist retail agencies, corporate travel managers, MICE companies, travel management companies and other potential sources of business.

* Telephone sales solicitation

For business prospects located too far away to enable frequent personal meetings, regular sales contact is maintained by telephone and e-mail.

* Tour operator liaison and development

Clients’ requirements from the tour operator sector – whether mainline, niche or on-line  – are carefully analysed prior to regular one-on-one contact aimed at influencing optimum exposure in their brochures and websites.

* Trade fairs and exhibitions

Clients’ interests are represented at important travel industry and consumer trade fairs and exhibitions.

* MICE sector liaison and development

Regular solicitation of the Meetings, Incentives, Conference and Exhibition sectors.

* Marketing intelligence and Activity Reports

A full reporting schedule covering our marketing activities, results achieved and future plans, as well as regular updates on relevant trends and developments in the market place, is part of every contract.

* E-marketing

Digital marketing and social networking is a speciality.

* Travel industry education

Expert organisation and operation of workshops, webinars, seminars, road shows and staff training events.

* Tourism information service

Provision to trade, media and consumer of comprehensive information on a destination’s tourism amenities, facilities, attractions and potential; responding to tourism enquiries; brochure fulfilment; development of online training programmes. (Applicable to Governmental Tourism Authorities only).

* Trade missions

These are organised to enable overseas Tourism Authorities to mount and escort delegations from their own communities on sales tours of the most appropriate UK/European markets. (Applicable to Governmental Tourism Authorities only).

* Cultural tourism

“Man will perish but the land and its stories will survive”. Supereps International and its associates have developed a methodology which creates compelling world-class visitor experiences bringing to life the legends, history and folklore of a culture or destination. (Applicable to Governmental Tourism Authorities and tourist attractions only).

The following additional services are provided when appropriate:

* Advertising support and consultancy.
* Crisis management.
* Database management.
* General management and consultancy.
* Marketing research.
* Media inspection trips.
* Product familiarisation tours and site inspections.
* Public relations and image promotion.
* Special promotions.

Trade Liaison – Services for UK/European Travel Industry Buyers

In addition to the expert marketing and representation services which we provide in Britain for the important international travel principals which we represent, Supereps provides a comprehensive on-the-spot communications link between its overseas clients and local travel industry buyers – UK-based tour operators, retail agents, incentive travel and other MICE companies, among others.

These services include:

* Full support for tour operators – including assistance with tariff, contract and programme negotiations.
* Group quotations and itinerary recommendations.
* Local staff training on our clients’ products and services.
* Organisation of site inspections.
* Organisation of familiarisation tours.
* Sales promotional literature fulfilment.

UK buyers may contact us for assistance at any time and if they would like one of our sales and marketing specialists to visit or telephone with further information, this can be arranged at their convenience.

Please get in touch now to discuss how we can help you.

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