A worldwide portfolio

Who are Supereps clients?

Our client base virtually spans the globe – but is still only a “click” away!

A full list of our current clients is available on request. However, a representative selection has been included below.

Click on the button in the boxes to find out more. 


Contacts Worldwide

In addition to the clients identified above, Supereps International has strong working relationships with numerous other handpicked travel and tourism specialist organisations around the world.

… So, wherever in the world you need more business or a helping hand contact Supereps International!

On behalf of the California Division of Tourism, thank you for the excellent service Supereps International has provided California. Your diligent commitment to consistently provide a level of service beyond what is outlined and budgeted for in the contract is truly appreciated. I have enjoyed working with your staff and find them to be of the highest professional level.


On behalf of Four Seasons Hotels, I would like to extend our sincerest appreciation to the entire staff of Supereps International for your great efforts in organising our introductory UK sales development. Once again, our many thanks for all your hard work and our commendations on a job very well done.

“I worked with Brian and his excellent Supereps team most recently and all too briefly at Hotel Castellar in Andalucia, but it was at the iconic Rock Hotel in Gibraltar where we enjoyed a longer standing, formal contract, appointing them as our UK sales representatives. In a sector within our mercurial industry where companies all too quickly come and go, the fact that Brian and Supereps have out-lasted so many after a good many years is, of itself, a fine testimonial! Any businesses within the hospitality and tourism sectors that need to drive UK traffic to their European and worldwide locations could do a lot worse than to start here!” Stephen Davenport – Hotelier en Hotel Castellar



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