Spring is in the air again!

As the dark Covid storm clouds start to recede hopefully long term this time and Spring, followed by Summer beckons, the quality Destination Management Companies of the Supereps Premium Portfolio have pledged their determination and dedication to welcome back the United Kingdom one of their most important international markets in even greater numbers than Pre-pandemic. Malta, Oman, St Lucia, South East Asia, Sri Lanka, Thailand and South America – the Supereps luxury DMC boutique is open for business . . . let us know how we can help.


Where better for a quick leisure or business break? Malta is difficult to beat: easily accessible, over 1000 years of history, culture, 300 days of sunshine per annum, superb cuisine and hotels to suit all tastes from international luxury and boutique to budget . . . and who better to expertly service your incoming needs – whether leisure, special interest or MICE – than A. von Brockdorff, member of the Gollcher Group established in Malta in 1854. (Yes 1854).

To bolster, even further, their travel industry support services, a highly experienced Groups and Events Manager, Eliza Galeo, has recently been recruited. She is looking forward to meeting as many of you as possible, virtually or in person.



Whatever your requirements in this luscious and tranquil eastern Caribbean island paradise whether it is luxury FIT, exclusive small groups, destination weddings, creative incentive travel or even individual tour operator representation our multi award winning DMC, Barefoot Holidays has the complete answer. Barefoot Holidays, with Erwin Louisy at its helm, is, since 1988, St Lucia’s leading independently-owned incoming agency. 



With the lifting of travel restrictions, Thailand – one of the UK market’s most popular long haul destinations – is well and truly “centre stage” again. So, no better time than now to extol the incoming benefits and advantages of the products and services, particularly for upscale travel arrangements, of Easia Travel

Established in 2000, totally B2B Easia Travel has for long been one of South East Asia’s most dynamic and creative DMCs. Its three main brands, “Easia Exclusive”, “Easia Active” and “Easia Incentive” have become universally acknowledged for their imagination and creativity.

Although our partner DMC is also expert in, and fully operational throughout, Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam, we, at Supereps, are initially focusing our efforts on THAILAND where the DMC’s luxury brand, Easia Exclusive, is a perfect fit for a selective number of UK’s top end tour operators with its large range of bespoke luxury DMC products (including butler services, fast track VIP privileges, private jets, luxury cars and more) plus its strong links to Thailand’s top hotels and tourism and transportation providers.



With many would-be travellers still recovering from the emotional impact of Covid and reluctant to venture too far from home base, the southern Balkans has much to offer including, but not limited to: spectacular scenery (particularly mountains and lakes), warm sunshine, short cruises, art, culture, history, religion, fine food and wine, reasonable prices and much, much, more.

Featuring numerous country destinations – and with on-site services in 10 of them – the entire region of the southern Balkans region becomes easily accessible via our valued DMC partner, MacSun Travel, the area’s most comprehensive and experienced incoming agency. Full incoming and touring services (including guaranteed seat-in-coach) are operated throughout this vast area – in: Albania, Bosnia/Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Kosovo, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia and Slovenia.



A very high quality destination. Positioned at the very tip of the Arabian Peninsula, the Sultanate of Oman has everything and more to satisfy even the most discriminating visitor – from relaxing and tranquil getaways to extreme adventure: luxury hotels and desert camps, centuries of history, culture, good food, relaxing spas and, above all, the hospitable and welcoming Omani people.

The ideal DMC partner to maximise “the experience of a lifetime” is Bahwan Tourism LLC, Oman’s leading and most experienced Destination Management Company and part of the Suhail Bahwan Group, the largest business entity in the Sultanate. In keeping with its status, Bahwan is comprehensively equipped to provide incoming clients with the most comprehensive and modern facilities (luxury automobiles, modern air-conditioned coaches, multi lingual guides, etc.) and the most knowledgeable and experienced travel designers available. Luxury leisure travel and upscale incentives are particular specialities.



A visit to any of South America’s plethora of stunning destinations is always a “special” occasion. But, under the wings of highly innovative Pure! Travel Group, the tag of “special” is quickly converted to “fun, uplifting educational and memorable” – because strictly B2B Pure! Travel Group is one of the leading, most dynamic and creative DMCs on the continent. With its own offices in six of the most attractive country destinations – Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru – Pure’s versatile and experienced team of travel professionals
is ideally placed to curate even the most exacting and competitive tailor-made leisure or incentive programme.

Following its successful launching last year of the pioneering virtual travel networking event “Senses of South America” showcasing the entire continent, a second rendering is planned for May 9-12, 2022. Participation for buyers is free and there is only a modest charge for exhibitors. This unique virtual travel trade conference enables industry professionals from around the world to gather and network; additionally, it enables boutique operators to economically present their
products and services to the world’s travel buyers. To add variety to the proceedings, this year’s conference will also feature interactive sessions to give participants valuable insight to the latest trends and developments in travel to South America.

www.sensesofsouthamerica.com and www.pure-travelgroup.com


Justifiably known as “the Resplendent Isle”, Sri Lanka is traditionally one of UK’s top long haul destinations. Now that a semblance of normality has returned to the travel industry who better to ease your company back into – or introduce you to – the destination than the island’s top Destination Management Company, Walkers Tours? a member of the world-famous John Keells Group. Walkers, Sri Lanka’s pre-eminent and longest-established DMC, offers the most comprehensive range of incoming facilities available, including major tour operator representation, mid-level tour operator support, highly personalised VIP/concierge services. FIT and group tours,
numerous special interest experiences and medical tourism plus a full range of MICE services.


Contact us for more information

Tel: + 44 (0) 20 7242 3131

E-mail: info@supereps.com




Gin and tonic (Setouchi style), anyone? 

A relaxing Gin and Tonic, or two, is perhaps not the first pleasure which springs to mind when contemplating a visit to western Japan’s fascinating and relatively under-explored region of Setouchi. Tour planners and individual travellers alike are more likely to be drawn to the numerous better-known and more tangible tourism attractions and physical attributes of the area – not least, by its natural beauty throughout, tranquil settings, laid back lifestyle, visitor friendly population, cultural and arts treasures and gastronomy, among many other assets.

These days, special interest tour operators (particularly those promoting food and drink) and tour planners seeking to add variety to their programmes can – when visiting Hiroshima City (in the prefecture of Hiroshima) – arrange for their clients to enjoy locally-produced Dry Gin at the Sakurao Brewery and Distillery in the nearby town of Hatsukaichi while, at the same time, taking in the beauty of the fabled island of Miyajima which it overlooks.

Although Sake breweries abound throughout the Setouchi region, the beverage being Japan’s national alcoholic drink, the century-old Sakurao Brewery and Distillery in Hatsukaichi (about 20 kms from Hiroshima City) has embarked on a new endeavour to produce western-style beverages like gin and whisky. Although currently temporarily “off-limits” due to Covid-19 restrictions, a comprehensive Sakurao Distillery Tour is usually on offer where visitors can sample Sakurao Gin produced from 17 specially selected local botanicals including the particularly strong local Green Lemon, oysters from nearby waters, Japanese Juniper Berry leaf, green tea and wasabi, among other ingredients.

Hatsukaichi, located on the main island of Honshu is close by and opposite the sacred city of Miyajima, the site of the famed UNESCO World Heritage Itsukushima Shrine.

The Setouchi region, comprising the seven prefectures, Hyogo, Okayama, Hiroshima, Yamaguchi, Kagawa, Tokushima and Ehime, is marketed via the Setouchi Destination Marketing Organisation (DMO) and represented in UK by Supereps International.

Thank you

As a special thank you to tour operators already featuring, planning to feature or considering programming Setouchi we will send a sample (100 ml) bottle of Sakurao Gin Original to the first 10 respondents who signify to us that they meet this criterion.


Contact us for more information

Tel: + 44 (0) 20 7242 3131

E-mail: info@supereps.com




St Lucia’s Barefoot Holidays continues to reel in the awards 

In today’s uncertain and constantly changing travel world here is some exciting unchanging news! We, at Supereps International, are delighted to announce that our long-standing DMC client, Barefoot Holidays, has yet again – for the third time – won the World Travel Award of the “Leading Destination Management Company on St Lucia”. Many congratulations are due to Erwin Louisy and her fine team of St Lucia specialists.

Barefoot Holidays is a high level and dynamic DMC which offers a complete spectrum of incoming services for the leisure and MICE sectors. Weddings, honeymoons, luxury leisure and incentive travel are particular specialities.

Contact us for more information

Tel: + 44 (0) 20 7242 3131

E-mail: info@supereps.com





Surely the UK’s Traffic Lights system for overseas travel must switch to “GO” soon. Are you ready for this? The member DMCs of Supereps Premium Portfolio certainly are . . . all geared up, with their feet hovering over the accelerator, raring to go just as soon as the lights “GO GREEN”! So, are you ready to engage with them? Perhaps you would like preliminary or current information on their products or services right now or maybe to have an exploratory telephone presentation or a short visit from one of our team? If so, please just let us know.




All that one could possibly wish for from a short haul vacation or event: spectacular scenery, warm sunshine, relaxing short cruises, low costs and much, much more. Our partner DMC, Macsun Travel, is the Balkans’ most comprehensive and experienced incoming agency, providing full services in: Albania, Bosnia/Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia. www.macsun.travel


“The name says it all”. Sergio Hidalgo and his team of talented specialists at Best of Costa Rica DMC wait with open arms to welcome you back to this green and lush vacation paradise. Have you received their flyer, “10 Inspiring Holidays” yet? If not, please ask for a copy.


Where better for a quick break for leisure or business? Malta is difficult to beat: easily accessible, culture, sunshine and hotels to suit all tastes from international luxury and boutique to budget . . . and who better to expertly service your incoming needs, whether special interest or MICE, than A. von Brockdorff, member of the Gollcher Group established in Malta in 1854 – yes, 1854! www.avonbrockdorff.com


Japan today tops the bucket lists of many travellers. In anticipation of the reopening of its borders, our far-sighted client, The Setouchi Destination Management Organisation (responsible for the promotion of the 7 prefectures region in the west of the country) has, over the last year, been conducting a programme (via Supereps International) to familiarise UK tour operators with the multi-faceted attractions of Setouchi – including its numerous cultural, gastronomic, wellbeing, sporting, eco and sightseeing attractions. https://setouchitrip.com/


As a destination which has done its utmost to remain tourism-focused throughout the pandemic, this beautiful eastern Caribbean island demands the trade’s respect and support and now, bolstered by an ambitious marketing programme from the St Lucia Tourism Authority (SLTA) plus the backing of British Airways and Virgin Atlantic, it is “ready to rumble”(!) . . . and who better to help you capitalise on all this than the island’s leading DMC, Barefoot Holidays, where Erwin Louisey and her charming team are, as always, at your entire disposal – whatever your incoming requirements.


“Hats Off” to our innovative and totally dedicated South America DMC partners, Pure! Travel Group who, in a very challenging climate, have consistently made a point of keeping the international travel trade regularly au fait with the prevailing business conditions, good and bad, in each of the countries where they operate: Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru.

The latest exciting initiative from Pure! is its forthcoming Virtual Travel Event, “Senses of South America” (September 28 – October 1, 2021) which will connect international trade buyers to a wide variety of South America’s premier travel suppliers. Further details from www.sensesofsouthamerica.com or, of course, from Supereps International. DON’T MISS IT!


Justifiably known as “The Resplendent Isle”, Sri Lanka is traditionally one of UK’s top long haul destinations. Who better to ease your company back into – or introduce you to – the destination than the island’s top Destination Management Company, Walkers Tours. A member of the world-famous John Keells Group, Walkers, Sri Lanka’s pre-eminent and longest-established DMC, offers the most comprehensive range of incoming facilities available, including major tour operator representation, mid-level tour operator support, highly personalised VIP/concierge services, FIT and group tours, numerous special interest experiences and medical tourism plus a full range of MICE services.

Contact us for more information

Tel: + 44 (0) 20 7242 3131

E-mail: info@supereps.com




Balkans DMC Macsun Travel premier incoming agency

Skopje-based MacSun Travel, the Balkans’ leading Destination Management Company, has announced the appointment of Supereps International as its UK Marketing Representative with immediate effect.

MacSun Travel, founded 10 years ago by owner and CEO, Ewald Koenig, provides the most comprehensive incoming coverage available of this still somewhat unknown, but highly attractive, touristic region with onsite coverage in 10 countries (Albania, Bosnia/Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia), strong connections in 3 others (Moldova, Romania and Slovenia) and company offices in Albania, Macedonia and Montenegro.

A full range of incoming services is operated throughout the region including, but not limited to, comprehensive individual and group tour programmes, FITs, seat-in-coach travel and all forms of MICE-making MacSun Travel virtually a “one stop shop” for this diverse region and offering the visitor a rich mixture of scenic and cultural attractions, enchanting towns and villages, sandy beaches, towering mountains (with over 2000 peaks!), spectacular lakes, enormous gorges . . . and, above all, friendly, welcoming people.

Special interest tour planners can indulge their clients via an array of themed packages including gastronomy, hiking/walking, soft adventure, eco, winter sports, culture and art, among numerous other special experiences.

With the relaxation of travel restrictions hopefully on the horizon for UK travellers, the friendly and eminently affordable Balkans – only a short flight away – beckon and MacSun Travel stands ready and eager to assist.

Contact us for more information

Tel: + 44 (0) 20 7242 3131

E-mail: info@supereps.com

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